WINNING, in recognition by COTEC Portugal, of the high standards of financial soundness, innovation skills and economic performance achieved, wins the COTEC 2021 INNOVATIVE company status.
COTEC Portugal is a Portuguese business association for the promotion of innovation and technological business cooperation.
This status gives recognition in the market to innovative companies and their management quality, for their scientific and innovation potential, being examples of value creation for the country.
WINNING distinguishes itself at this level by the status it has been awarded, representing all its scientific and innovative nature of different projects that have contributed to the creation of value in the country. We highlight the Eu4Covid project (www.eu4covid.pt). WINNING has developed a predictive risk model that ensures a 98% degree of accuracy in the estimates presented and allows us to understand how the pandemic behaves by region. The tool, scientific and innovative in nature, allows decision making, clearly and based on data. The data is available on the site, from which the predictions are made and are updated daily based on information released by the Directorate General of Health. Curiously, the tool is inspired by an “old model of prediction and impact of forest fires”, developed in the 90’s in Australia.
We also highlight the investment decision-making project – the BC Tool – Business Case Tool (www.bctool.pt). The BC Tool is a tool created to directly impact investment initiatives, reducing the uncertainty rate and facilitating the evaluation process of a project before, during, and after its implementation. All project evaluation by the tool is scientific, using algorithms that allow decision making with a confidence level above 80%. It also uses the best Business Case practices of BCBoK, from the Business Case Institute. It is a totally transversal tool within an investment logic. That is, the area is investment projects.
WINNING has since its inception developed projects with scientific rigour at the service of society and business. This status gives exactly this credit and credibility in the projects we carry out in the national market.
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